It is also narrated that Prophet Muhammad offered Salat ul-Istasqa when the city of Madina faced a shortage of rain This is also the location where the Prophet ﷺ performed Salatul Istisqa a special salah for invocation of rain
It was renovated again by the in 1622, and the time of the in 1859 during the era, using new tools and the look resembled more or less the shape of today This masjid is also known as Masjid Eid

Masjid Al Ghamamah, Medina, Saudi Arabia

It is also narrated that Prophet Muhammad offered Salat ul-Istasqa when the city of Madina faced a shortage of rain.

Mosque of Al
Etymology [ ] "Ghamamah" means cloud, and it is named as such as it is narrated that rain clouds covered the city when had performed here
مسجد الغمامة .. موضعٌ وأثر نبوي بالمدينة المنورة
Please note that some of the places featured on this site cannot be verified for certain
مسجد اليمامة
It is also narrated that Prophet offered when the city of faced a shortage of rain
Najashi, although being a Christian, had welcomed the groups of Muslims who had migrated to his country in order to escape the persecution of the Quraysh and later on accepted Islam However quite recently it has been reopened for the worshipers for praying
According to some reports, this was also the spot or close to this area where the Prophet ﷺ performed the Janaza funeral prayer of Najashi, the Emperor of Aksum in Abbyssinia Ethiopia He was Christian but welcomed the groups of the Muslims who had migrated to Habasha in order to escape the persecution of the Quraish

أخبار 24

The mosque is one of the historical relics of Medina.

Mosque of Al
Five times prayers are held in this mosque now with an internal sound system to avoid the clash of sounds from the
مسجد الغمامة .. موضعٌ وأثر نبوي بالمدينة المنورة
When he passed away there was no one who could lead his Janazah, so the Prophet prayed his funeral prayers, the only time ever, in the absence of the actual body
مسجد الغمامة .. موضعٌ وأثر نبوي بالمدينة المنورة
According to the Hadith tradition, once the people of Medina complained to prophet Muhammad on the lack of water and rain fall and their hardships in consequence