Majumder, Marina Faerman, Ariella Oppenheim from the original on 23 April 2010
" Legal status Main article: There are a wide variety of views regarding the status of the State of Palestine, both among the states of the international community and among legal scholars To put this in a wider context, the average population density of the world was 25 people per square kilometre as of 2017

موضوع عن فلسطين

Transjordan never recognized it and instead decided to incorporate the West Bank with its own territory to form.

State of Palestine
After the vote, which was passed by 119 votes to 8 with 45 countries abstaining, the US Ambassador Samantha Power said that "raising the Palestinian flag will not bring Israelis and Palestinians any closer together"
State of Palestine
German: 1,2 please n, 3 please n pl• , Ashgate Publishing 2009, pp
دولة فلسطين
As a result, here—as in Exodus—rescuing the hero's life from the clutches of the evil king necessitates a sudden flight to another country
Hume, Tim; Fantz, Ashley 30 November 2012 Children waving a Palestinian flag, West Bank On 16 January 2015, the announced that, since Palestine was granted observer State status in the UN by the UNGA, it must be considered a "State" for the purposes of accession to the
from the original on 12 August 2017 The attitude of the Palestinians was expressed inter alia in 1988 and 2002


In February 2015, Mahmoud Abbas visited Sweden to open the new embassy.

Le Strange, Guy 1890 Palestine under the Moslems: a description of Syria and the Holy Land from A
Within an area of 6,020 2,320 , there is a of about 827 people per square kilometre
دولة فلسطين
from the original on 12 March 2017