The novel started on the day he return, three years later Theres many misunderstanding at the beginning and Max low self esteem and Riftans lack of understanding doesnt help
Max felt a little sorry and quietly helped him clean up One thinks that anger is a sign to beat, and the other takes every word as a critique of his social status


Like hellooooo Do NOT READ THIS I rest my case.

#undertheoaktree Instagram posts
The romance, the action, the characters development is outstanding
under the oak tree
He comes back three years later, this time as a famous knight in the whole continent
[زیر درخت بلوط] چپتر10 مانهوا Andreh بلوط manhowa Manhowa زیر درخت under manga
I love how there is also inner dialogue as well
Though I think Maxi needs to open up more about her past with Riftan hopefully that comes soon I never thought that for a relationship that relied so heavily on sex in the beginning that the relationship could progress into something precious and sweet
The characters' development is incredible and I'm so very glad to see Maxi growing to be her own self and gaining confidence i cried, and i usually don't do that, so whenever a book, film, or show makes me cry i simply put it on a pedestal

under the oak tree

If you think that translation is the translator's work and thus should be rewarded by their works, you are wrong.

Manhowa⊰⊱And⊰⊱Manga⊰⊱World چپتر31 آخرین مانهوا بقای چپتر منتشر survival Andreh قانون بانو
And yes, although some aspects of their relationship may seem problematic at first, it later explains the This novel is one of my all time favorites! From an unknown knight, Riftan shoot to the top when he managed to subdue the dragon
Under the Oak Tree by Sooji Kim
This is essentially a bodice ripper and comes with all the baggage of said genre
Under the Oak Tree by Sooji Kim
Riftan arrived and amidst misunderstanding and confusion on both sides, took Max away, heading to his own castle