No further naval attacks on this expedition are recorded in traditional Arabic sources 34 between the led by and the fleet under the personal command of Emperor
The victory also paved the path for uncontested Muslim expansion along the coastline of North Africa According to the 9th century chronicler , as the Emperor was preparing for battle, on the previous night he dreamed that he was in ; awaking he related the dream to an interpreter of dreams who said: Emperor, would that you had not slept nor seen that dream for your presence in Thessalonica — according to the interpreter, victory inclined to the Emperor's foes

Bataille de Phoenix de Lycie — Wikipédia

Toutefois, d'autres chercheurs comme V.

اسم اول معركة بحرية اسلامية ونتائجها
Durant son existence, la marine musulmane remporte de nombreuses batailles navales dont celle qui repousse la contre-attaque byzantine sur en 646
Battle of the Masts
اجابة السؤال: معركة ذات الصواري معركة بحرية انتصر فيها المسلمون
Uthman permitted Muawiyah to raid the island of in 649 and the success of that campaign set the stage for the undertaking of naval activities by the Government of
34 on the authority of Dating [ ] records two possible dates for this naval battle: 651-2 A
, The Cambridge History of Egypt, Volume One, Islamic Egypt 640-1517, Cambridge University Press, 1998, 67 SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies

اسم اول معركة بحرية اسلامية ونتائجها

The battle is considered to be "the first decisive conflict of Islam on the deep" as well as part of the earliest campaign by to conquer Constantinople.

متى كانت معركة ذات الصواري
May 2021 Both the Rashidun and Roman fleets endured major casualties
معركة ذات الصواري من الفتوحات الإسلامية بقلم عبد الحميد عبد المقصود
Muslim sources do not mention this event but it corresponds to notices in other Christian histories of the eastern Mediterranean, such as the chronicle of Theophanes
قصة معركة ذات الصواري
Background [ ] In the 650s the Arab Caliphate the and continued its successful expansion into the 's territories