Alexander, Charles; Sadiku, Matthew 2009 Maxwell, James Clerk 1904 , A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol
Kenneth Connors, Chemical Kinetics, 1990, VCH Publishers, pg "A Simple Proof that the Lorentz Force, Law Implied Faraday's Law of Induction, when B is Time Independent"

يقيس التسارع معدل التغير في السرعة المتجهه .

"Faraday's Law, which states that the electromotive force around a closed path is equal to the negative of the time rate of change of magnetic flux enclosed by the path" Jordan, Edward; Balmain, Keith G.

متوسط التغير
"The magnetic flux is that flux which passes through any and every surface whose perimeter is the closed path" Hayt, William 1989
حساب معدل التغير: يزيد ويقلل
3, Adison Wesley Longman, Harlow UK, 1995
شارح الدرس: متوسط معدَّل التغيُّر ومعدَّل التغيُّر اللحظي
Also called electric generator, electrical generator, and electromagnetic generator
Distinguished Members Gallery, National Academy of Sciences Tom McInally, The Sixth Scottish University
Member Directory, National Academy of Sciences "The flux rule" is the terminology that Feynman uses to refer to the law relating magnetic flux to EMF



متوسط التغير
Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall
متوسط التغير
JEFIMENKO, Electrostatic Motors, Their History, Types, and Principles of Operation, Electret Scientific Company - 1973, page 22-45
كيفية حساب نسبة الزيادة المئوية: 8 خطوات (صور توضيحية)
1834 , "", Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 107 31 , pp