The favour of Allah was that He saved Prophet Joseph from applying the un-Islamic law of the king of Egypt to his personal case, for he was liable to do so under the stress of human weakness | So there is nothing strange in this that the king's law continued to be in vogue during the first nine years or so of Prophet Joseph's reign |
The sentence that follows also confirms this interpretation | Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Maka mulailah Yusuf memeriksa karungkarung mereka sebelum memeriksa karung saudaranya sendiri kemudian dia mengeluarkan piala raja itu dari karung saudaranya Demikianlah Kami atur untuk mencapai maksud Yusuf Tiadalah patut Yusuf menghukum saudaranya menurut undangundang raja kecuali Allah menghendakiNya Kami tinggikan derajat orang yang Kami kehendaki; dan di atas tiaptiap orang yang berpengetahuan itu ada lagi Yang Maha Mengetahui• It is, therefore, a proof that that Prophet himself was enforcing the un-Islamic law of the king |
85 of Al-i'Imran, that is, "Indeed, Islam alone is aiIaC the Right Way, in the sight of Allah" and "Whosoever will adopt any other way aiI , than the' Way of Islam, it shall not be accepted", includes laws as well as Salat and other obligatory duties prescribed by Allah.
20artinya yang lebih mengetahui daripadanya sehingga rentetannya selesai pada Allah swt | Thus not only was the flaw removed, but also no room was left for the brothers to raise any objection against this on the plea that they were not Egyptians, and therefore the law of the land could not be applied against them |
Therefore he made the servants enquire from the brothers an unusual thing about the punishment of a thief and they stated the Law of Prophet Abraham | Or, they opine that, if at all it has any concern with those matters, it is merely to give some instructions of an optional nature in regard to these, and leave it to the believers to adopt these or their own man-made laws, because, they think, there is no harm even in adopting the latter course |
" In other words, it means, "He could not do this, as there was no provision for it in the king's law.
By removing the flaw in his plan, Allah showed that His knowledge was far superior to the knowledge of those, whom like Prophet Joseph He had endowed with knowledge | Lafal ayat ini dapat dibaca secara idhafah, yaitu menjadi darajaati man nasyaau, dan dapat pula dibaca darajaatin man nasyaau dan di atas tiap-tiap orang berpengetahuan itu di antara semua makhluk ada lagi yang Maha Mengetahui |
It should, however, be noted that such a high rank is awarded only to those who prove themselves to be "righteous" in very hard trials | But the continuance of the unIslamic law of the king during the period of transition is no argument to prove that Allah's Prophet was sent to follow the way of the king and not to establish the Way of Allah |
It does, at least, imply that an un-Islamic way was in vogue in Egypt at the time, when Prophet Joseph was, even according to the present commentator, the supreme head of the country.