Doherty EW, Doherty WJ 1998 Cataldo J, Prochaska J, Glantz S Jul 2010
Meltzer H, Gill B, Petticrew M, Hinds K 1995 ABC Radio National Australian Broadcasting Corporation

التدخين وأضراره والإقلاع عنه

The New England Journal of Medicine.

بحث عن التدخين واضراره
By the American Society for Reproductive Medicine ASRM
الآثار الصحية للتدخين
"Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease: An analysis controlling for tobacco industry affiliation"
بحث عن التدخين , بحث شامل عن التدخين واضراره على الصحة
"Parkinson's disease protects against smoking? The American Journal of Psychiatry
Smoking, drinking, and drug use in young adulthood: the impacts of new freedoms and new responsibilities Hamer M, Stamatakis E, Batty GD Aug 2010
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD Stough C, Mangan G, Bates T, Pellett O Nov 1994

اضرار التدخين علي كل اجهزة جسم الانسان

Bachman JG, Wadsworth KN, O'Malley PM, Johnston LD, Schulenberg JE 1997.

الآثار الصحية للتدخين
Kumari V, Postma P 2005
التدخين واضراره ! لماذا يعتبر التبغ خطيرا الى هذا الحد؟
"Smoke gets in your eyes: Cigarette smoking and divorce in a national sample of American adults"
بحث عن التدخين واضراره
Hughes JR, Hatsukami DK, Mitchell JE, Dahlgren LA Aug 1986
"Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for Alzheimer's Disease: an analysis controlling for tobacco industry affiliation" Lagrue G, Lebargy F, Cormier A 2001
Covey LS, Glassman AH, Stetner F 1998 We can do better--improving the health of the American people"

موضوع عن التدخين اسبابه واضراره وعلاجه

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

بحث عن التدخين , بحث شامل عن التدخين واضراره على الصحة
Anstey KJ, von Sanden C, Salim A, O'Kearney R Aug 2007
اضرار التدخين علي كل اجهزة جسم الانسان
Alcoologie et Addictologie in French
بحث عن التدخين وأضراره
"Objectively assessed secondhand smoke exposure and mental health in adults: cross-sectional and prospective evidence from the Scottish Health Survey"