The cub leaves its mother in 2—3 years It is very shy, and is endangered, but it is quite different from the traditional panda in genetic characteristics
They also eat , , , , [ ], , small , , and Panda Panda species of animals that look like bears in their form, and characterized by the presence of black halos around its eyes and ears , and her body has a round shape with thick black and white fur, and has black legs and a small tail

الشفق القطبي بالانجليزي

It is difficult to estimate the number of polar bears because there are separate subsets.

معلومات عن الدب القطبي بالانجليزي
Thus, another common prey of the polar bear is the walrus and it is also capable of catching beluga whales
الدب القطبى
Paws [ ] A polar bear's paws are perfect snowshoes for them
تعبير بالانجليزي عن الدب القطبي
It is a large park and includes a variety of animals, such as rhinos, huge African elephants, lions and monkeys of various forms
bear [sth] vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, " Say something Then they come closer and touch noses
When two polar bears meet, they have a special way of greeting each other Others lions do not settle in a particular place

Polar bear

Finally, the bear's was set on an floe to release its spirit back into the Arctic.

كلمه الدببة الثلاثة بالانجليزي — فراء الدب ناعم وطويل، وتختلف ألوانه من الأبيض،
كلمه الدببة الثلاثة بالانجليزي — فراء الدب ناعم وطويل، وتختلف ألوانه من الأبيض،
After a hunt, they held a celebration that lasted for several days
صفات الدب
Great Bear n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc