There has never been a better time to invest in your online learning experience Because of continuous delivery, we can focus our own IT resources on developing new course content instead of troubleshooting technical issues
There is a big difference between remote instruction and high-quality online learning This open approach means you maintain easy access to your data through APIs, can download critical datasets, and can incorporate timely insights into your day-to-day workflows

نظام إدارة التعلم الإلكتروني للمدارس

With progressive disclosure, the most common items are displayed first, with drill-down options for more in-depth tasks.

إدارة المحتوى التعليمي
Your students will appreciate your online learning experience being as beautiful and supportive as your on-campus experience, with the stunning design that works on any device, the flexibility to integrate your brand and build beautiful course templates, and the ability to provide an inspiring learning experience with unmatched reliability
نظم إدارة التعلم الإلكتروني
One company that has made a lasting commitment to accessibility is D2L Desire2Learn
منصة إدارة التعلم…خصائص نظام إدارة التعلم الإلكتروني
, Learning Management System Technologies and Software Solutions for Online Teaching: Tools and Applications
D2L serves as an example of what can be done by a company that makes accessibility one of its ground rules Windows 7: The Definitive Guide
Reduce complexity and stress levels We are a learning company with a broad bench of services unique in this business, making us a reliable and resourceful partner to help you with your needs today and into the future

LMS For Higher Education

Blend the Brightspace LMS into your unique IT ecosystem and create your ideal digital confederation of tools, content, and applications.

LMS For Higher Education
And we can even provide guidance to help you create direct workforce partnerships and propel your students toward success
نظام إدارة التعلم الإلكتروني للمدارس
Your identity and connection to the campus can shine through on the Brightspace platform
نظام التعليم الالكتروني ( الموودلMOODEL)
Brightspace technology is flexible, so we knew we could be creative
Since we began surveying our customer base for NPS in 2017 our score has been best in class and climbing Rely on experts to help you build world-class offerings
Begin with your own unique success plan Integrate gamification points, nudges, recommendations , let people find other people and communicate with them, encourage notes and personalization, and bring people together

LMS For Higher Education

D2L has a rich history of working with clients to incorporate their input into the design in a nondisruptive way.

خمسة أشياء يجب مراعاتها عند تطبيق نظام ادارة التعلم بالمدرسة
They have to try to squeeze things in related to their schooling while riding the bus or in-between shifts
نظام إدارة التعلم الإلكتروني للمدارس
Take advantage of the knowledge that D2L has gained with years of experience supporting learners at every stage of their journey
LMS For Higher Education
At D2L, supporting our clients in the building of the best-quality learning experiences has been our commitment for over 20 years