كان رياضيًا وشارك في العديد من النشاطات الرياضية، كما لعب كرة القدم وكان أيضًا أحد أعضاء فريق ألعاب القوى والمصارعة في المدرسة | بعد فترة وجيزة، بدأ التدريب كمصارع محترف |
Johnson has also worked with on a number of occasions | He received additional training from , alongside and |
خالد يكون سعيداً جداً حينما يقرأ من أحد المتابعين: "بسببك حققت حلمي وأصبحت شخصاً آخر! Football career Dwayne Johnson No.
23His role as in the films, beginning with 2011 , helped it become one of the | Rock and Mankind would win the tag titles for the third and final time after beating the New Age Outlaws on the October 14, 1999 episode of SmackDown! Archived from on February 18, 2009 |
He hosted another reality series for TNT in 2014, entitled Wake Up Call, which saw him "lending a helping hand to everyday people who were facing enormous challenges in their lives" alongside guest experts such as , , and | The stable would then refer to themselves as simply "The Nation" |
He aspired to have a professional career in football and entered the , but went undrafted.