On 4 February 2019, Kondo appeared on on Whenever there were nominations for class roles, she did not seek to be the class representative or the pet feeder
She founded her organising consulting business when she was 19 and a sociology student at KonMari method [ ] Kondo's method of organising is known as the KonMari method, and consists of gathering together all of one's belongings, one category at a time, and then keeping only those things that "spark joy" tokimeku, translated as equivalent to English "flutter, throb, palpitate" , and choosing a place for everything from then on

الترتيب بطريقة ماري كوندو ..تلخيص كتاب (سحر الترتيب)

Her books have been translated from Japanese into several languages including , , , , , , , , , , and.

ماري كوندو
For example, all the clothes in the house should be piled up first, assessed for tokimeku, and discarded if not needed, followed by other categories such as books, papers, miscellany, and mementos
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In junior school, Kondo ran into the classroom to bookshelves while her classmates were playing in physical education class
She gave birth to a baby boy on April 22, 2021
Instead, she yearned to be the bookshelf manager to continue to tidy up books Nilles, Billy 24 January 2019
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing Kondo has written four books on organizing, which have collectively sold millions of copies around the world

بالفيديو: طريقة ماري كوندو في ترتيب الملابس

In particular, her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up 2011 has been published in more than 30 countries.

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At the time they met, Kawahara was working in sales support and marketing at a corporation in
فكرة داعمة: الترتيب على طريقة ماري كوندو (خطوات الترتيب من كتاب: سحر الترتيب)
Dilloway, Margaret 22 January 2019
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After getting married, they lived in Tokyo, and later moved to