"Labor induction in women with an unfavorable Bishop score: Randomized controlled trial of intrauterine Foley catheter with concurrent oxytocin infusion versus Foley catheter with extra-amniotic saline infusion with concurrent oxytocin infusion" "Rates for obstetric intervention among private and public patients in Australia: population based descriptive study"
Does it increase the risk of cesarean section? ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins 2009 "Misoprostol in labor induction of term pregnancy: a meta-analysis"

محفزات الطلق الطبيعية

Am Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

تسريع الطلق البارد
Caughey, AB; Sundaram, V; Kaimal, AJ; Gienger, A; Cheng, YW; McDonald, KM; Shaffer, BL; Owens, DK; Bravata, DM Aug 18, 2009
تحريض المخاض
151 4 : 252—63, W53-63
محفزات الطلق وفتح الرحم
Induction of labor and caesarean delivery by gestational age
Labor Induction May Boost C-Section Risk The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
Roberts Christine L; Tracy Sally; Peat Brian 2000 Clinical guideline, UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, June 2001

محفزات الولادة بالطرق الطبيعية ونصائح مهمة

"Mifepristone-induced cervical ripening: structural, biomechanical, and molecular events".

مشروبات لتسهيل الولادة الطبيعية وحيل بسيطة لتحفيز الطلق
Budden, A; Chen, LJ; Henry, A Oct 9, 2014
تسريع الطلق البارد
American Family Physician, 15 May 2003
محفزات الطلق وفتح الرحم
"Relaxin for cervical ripening and induction of labor"