External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Unknown Adjectives that neither subject nor peers selected go here
Description [ ] In the exercise, someone picks a number of from a list, choosing ones they feel describe their own personality They represent subject's behaviors or motives that no one participating recognizes—either because they do not apply or because of collective ignorance of these traits

نافذة جوهري: ما الغرض منه ، أنماط العلاقات ، كيف يتم تطبيقها

Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving.

كيف تستخدم نافذة جوهاري في التطوير الشخصي؟
on the Johari Window, Examples of window-altering actions; game theory aspects
نافذه جوهارى واستخدامها للتطوير المؤسسى
The Johari Window and the Dark Side of Organisations
شرح معنى (Johari Window)
Palo Alto, California: National Press
Hase, Steward; Alan Davies; Bob Dick 1999 Therapy [ ] One therapeutic target may be the expansion of the Open Arena square at the expense of both the Unknown square and the Blind Spot square, resulting in greater knowledge of oneself, while voluntary disclosure of Private Hidden or Facade squares may result in greater interpersonal intimacy and friendship
Room four is the part of us that neither ourselves nor others see The subject's peers then get the same list, and each picks an equal number of adjectives that describe the subject

نافذة جوهاري في العلاقات مع الآخرين

The four quadrants [ ] Open or Arena Adjectives that both the subject and peers select go in this cell or quadrant of the grid.

كيف تستخدم نافذة جوهاري في التطوير الشخصي؟
Room one is the part of ourselves that we and others see
نافذة جوهاري في العلاقات مع الآخرين
The philosopher calls this concept the Johari House with four rooms
نافذة جوهري: ما الغرض منه ، أنماط العلاقات ، كيف يتم تطبيقها
Johari window The Johari window is a technique that helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others