Last year he went whitewater rafting in Chile | Nathalie forgot to lock the door last night |
The screen is completely blank | Remember to find the shortest way of representing the way they sound |
Omar: InstantTec Service, how can I help you? The screen is completely blank.
Simple Past Tense: Regular and Irregular Verbs What did the police do? They went to police station | David likes to spend time by himself |
Lee is the kind of person that will always tell you the truth | He is not going to meet us |
Hmmm… the line is OK, but your computer is not connect.
19I went to Oman three years ago | For example, last week, he really wanted to eat fish for dinner, so he got in his car and drove Rewrite the text messages using abbreviations |
Will you be over soon? He usually makes a decision and immediately acts on it | You always know where you stand with him |