Like when he says "i know saint peter won't call my name" meaning he wont get into heaven A slave stood behind the conqueror holding a golden crown and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting
But all the renditions are really subjective interpretations by others that claim to have some access to the word Seas would rise when I gave the word


Our problem has been well annunciated by the previous writers and that is, we hate Him.

Viva La Vida Lyrics
He thought he was doing the right thing, but he was just being used as a pawn for others
Coldplay's La Lyrics Meaning
It has really deep meanings if you take the time to look between the lines
It speaks on the bad deeds done and that when meeting the maker to get into heaven there will be no admittance
I was into it all You are producing the age old argument from design which is easily demolished
King louis was a king that got the nation into terrible debt and "ruled the world" but the economy crashed and everyone turned against him Jack Personally — I think indoctrination is dangerous

Lyrics & Translations of Viva La Vida by Ferry De Lits

I know it was a very hypothetical situation but so was yours, and yours could be argued with your same point you just presented.

Viva La Vida Lyrics
It can also be saying that there are people out there who will take advantage over others
Lyrics & Translations of Viva La Vida by Ferry De Lits
I know that I do not have the authority to change you
Viva La Vida Lyrics
The song won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year at the 51st Annual Grammy Awards in 2009