] Its primeness was determined on April 8, 1979 using the Lucas—Lehmer test Some authors consider the monk Fridericus Gerhart Amman , 1400—1465 Frater Fridericus Gerhart monachus ordinis sancti Benedicti astrologus professus in monasterio sancti Emmerani diocesis Ratisponensis et in ciuitate eiusdem to be the author of the part where the prime number 8191 is mentioned
"Power's cable announcing this same result was sent to the London Math

العدد ١١ هو عدد

In the first half of the book, he elegantly expounds linear numbers [that is, prime numbers], polygonal numbers and all sorts of plane numbers, solid numbers and the five figures which are assigned to the elements of the universe, discussing both their individual attributes and their shared features, and their proportionality and reciprocity.

العدد الذي يحلل الى عاملين اوليين متماثلين
It has 13395 digits and equals 2 44497 — 1
العدد ١١ هو عدد
The primes M 4253 and M 4423 were discovered by coding the Lucas-Lehmer test for the IBM 7090
العدد الذي يحلل الى عاملين اوليين متماثلين
in Chippewa Falls, discovered the number at 11:36 a
The date and year of discovery is unsure
83 GHz 46 42,643,801 169873516452

العدد الذي يحلل الى عاملين اوليين متماثلين

34 a tergo backside of p.

The Center for Educational Technology
" Curt Noll and Laura Nickel, The 25th and 26th Mersenne Primes, Mathematics of Computation, vol
العدد ١١ هو عدد
" Hans Riesel, A New Mersenne Prime, Mathematics of Computation, vol
عدد ميرسين الأولي
David Slowinski, "Searching for the 27th Mersenne Prime", Journal of Recreational Mathematics, v