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سامية شنن.. أم الارهابيين في «مذبحة كرداسة»

Moderators reserve the right to take any action they deem necessary to ensure quality of content and discussion.

مصر: حملة هجوم على ماهينور المصري بسبب تعاطفها مع سامية
How on earth can someone do this, or even how can someone support her and take her as a role model, or even how do they think that this is a proper Muslim behaviour
سامية شنن ارهابية كرداسة
The Following posts will be removed 1 Duplicate threads 2 Questions that belong to the weekly "Ask Egyptians" thread 3 User editorialized headlines 4 Misleading Titles 5 Duplicate threads 6 Spam threads 7 Identity threads 8 Internet troubleshooting threads 9 Military conscription threads 4 THE FOLLOWING TOPICS ARE RESTRICTED 1 Low Quality Memes 2 Rant threads - limited to Monday to Wednesday 5
سامية شنن ارهابية كرداسة
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7 معلومات عن صاحبة مشهد في الاختيار 2

Truth is, there are many different theological interpretations.

الاختيار 2.. «سامية شنن» المرأة المتهمة في مذبحة كرداسة: «شربت المأمور مية نار»
They see the government and the police as infidels, since the Egyptian government doesn't implement sharia law, has a more secular style of government etc
حكاية سفاحي كرداسة.. سامية شنن والسنديوني ورشيدة والزيناري.. تقرير
Posting personal information invites an automatic ban
سامية شنن.. أول حديث للإرهابية التي مثلت بجثث ضباط كرداسة
We are a nation themed subreddit dedicated to posting the happenings and events that affect Egypt and Egyptians