Improving the nutritional value of Golden Rice through increased pro-vitamin A content Golden rice: introgression, breeding, and field evaluation
Why Is Golden Rice Golden Yellow Instead of Red? Golden rice: what role could it play in alleviation of vitamin A deficiency? Tang G et al 2009 Am J Clin Nutr

فوائد الأرز البري لصحة الجسم ووصفاته المختلفة


فوائد الأرز البري لصحة الجسم ووصفاته المختلفة
Engineering the provitamin A beta-carotene biosynthetic pathway into carotenoid-free rice
Vitamin A deficiency and attributable mortality in under-5-year-olds
أرز ذهبي
One existing crop, genetically engineered "golden rice" that produces vitamin A, already holds enormous promise for reducing blindness and dwarfism that result from a vitamin-A deficient diet
Then, C, 2009, "The campaign for genetically modified rice is at the crossroads: A critical look at Golden Rice after nearly 10 years of development Potrykus, Ingo 2010 Nature, Vol 466, P561, doi:10

الأرز البري يثبت فعاليته في خفض نسبة السكر في الدم


فوائد الأرز البري لصحة الجسم
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