Allah will guide his heart to certainty that whatever difficulty afflicts him could never have missed him, and whatever adversity has missed him could never have afflicted him His mortality is not contradictory to his prophet-hood, nor is it incompatible with his high station of messenger-ship, nor is his being a Messenger inconsistent with his being a Nur light
Secondly, it has been said that in this universe Allah has created man in the best shape And Allah is Watchful of what you do

فوائد سورة التغابن الروحانية

Those who disbelieve have claimed that they will never be resurrected.

ما هو يوم التغابن
If he turns away from obedience he would himself be responsible for his loss, for the Holy Messenger of Allah upon whom be His peace has become absolved from the responsibility after having delivered the message of Truth
فوائد سورة التغابن الروحانية
And those who are saved from the greed of their souls are the successful
لماذا سميت سورة التغابن بهذا الاسم
فقد سبق في علمه أن أمة بني آدم، وهكذا الجن، ينقسمون إلى كافر ومؤمن لحكمة بالغة، فهذا يعصي ويكفر ويتعدى الحدود، وهذا يطيعه ويتبع شريعته وينقاد لأمره، والله بما تعملون بصير
Third, that the excellent form that God has created you with and the choice that He has given you to choose between belief and unbelief is not a useless and meaningless activity so that it may be of no consequence whether you choose belief or unbelief But some of you did not give it due thought or thought wrongly, and adopted the way of disbelief, and some others adopted the same way of belief and faith which was the very demand of correct thinking
That is why the worldly courts inquire into these things when they decide the cases, and regard such an inquiry as a demand of the rule of justice But if you forgive and overlook their offences and pardon them, then surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate

ما هو يوم التغابن

But if you turn away from obedience, then know that Our Messenger has no other duty than to clearly convey the Truth.

تفسير سورة (التغابن)
And whoever believes in Allah and does righteousness — He will remove from him his misdeeds and admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever
Surah At
For further explanation, see E
ما هو يوم التغابن
What has been stated below about the universe and man is that Allah alone is their Creator, Master, Ruler, and He has not made this universe without purpose and wisdom, that man has not been created and left irresponsible, so that he may act as he may please, and there should be nobody to call him to account, and that the Ruler of this universe is not a care-free and ignorant king so that he may have no knowledge of what is happening in his kingdom