Unlike love, admiration is based on certain conditions or specifications must found in the other person such as generosity, intelligence or friendliness, and ultimately leads to friendship Love on the other hand involves a much deeper sense, and more complex emotions, making it one of the greatest feelings you will ever feel and live in your life
Love is that someone becomes an integral part of your life, While the admiration is to be more comfortable in the company of that person

الفرق بين الحب والإعجاب في علم النفس

Conclusion Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the presentation.

موضوع برزنتيشن الفرق بين الحب و الاعجاب
The difference between love and admiration is deeply related to your feelings towards someone; The admiration may give you a warm feeling, and feel the light beats inside you but mostly this is superficial
الفرق بين الحب والاعجاب .. تعريف الحب والإعجاب
But there are some ways to differentiate feelings, One example of this is the way most people differentiate between the feelings they have for someone they like, or someone else they love
الفرق بين الحبّ والإعجاب…
Admiring someone means being happy with that person, while loving someone means you can not bear to be without him at all
Introduction Subject Emotions When it comes to talking about the emotions that occur in the relationships between men and women, we find that there are a lot of unclear feelings or not definitively defined; So that understanding the nature of these feelings, especially the difference between them on the person is difficult Loving someone means that he or she means everything to you, While admiring someone means you are simply happier with that person
Love is unconditional When talking about the relationship between the mother and her young son, for example, We note that the child does not say: I admire you mom — but instead he says I love you, mom Love is deeper than admiration Let us have a closer look at the major differences between love and admiration

اختبار شخصيتك في الحب

Summary Love is unconditional emotion, while admiration is a light version of love.

اختبار شخصيتك في الحب
Love is deeper and has strong emotions, While admiration is a sense of inclination toward a special person
ما الفرق بين الحب والإعجاب
If you have questions, I will answer them with all pleasure
ما الفرق بين الحب والإعجاب
Love promises commitment In a complex world of love, dating, and relationships, the quick recognition that you love someone may frighten the other person and make him move away because this requires a long-term commitment

اختبار شخصيتك في الحب


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