Translating the encyclopedia into languages | Musik di dalam Islam hukumnya haram, sebagaimana haramnya khamr, zina, perjudian, dan lain-lain |
Under each flag will be twelve thousand soldiers |
Setiap kelompok itu terdiri dari 12 ribu orang | 2183 , Ibnu Majah no |
Then he spoke of a truce between the Muslims and the Romans |
Under each flag will be twelve thousand soldiers, totaling 960,000 | Project of Prophetic Hadith Encyclopedia and Its Translations: An integrated project to choose the Prophetic Hadiths in the Islamic content, explain them in a simplified and adequate way, translate them in a high quality based on accurate procedures into famous languages, then publish them through all available means |
Perbanyakkan ibadah kepada Allah dan banyakkan membaca Surah Al Kahfi setiap hari jumaat | Menerka-nerka atau memprediksi wabah apakah itu, menjadi pekerjaan yang tidak selesai hingga datangnya Dajjal dan bangkitnya hari kiamat |