Also, he used a modern method in line with modern time and its thought and technical changes He used these narrative elements to create an open text based on other literary genres for expressing thought and sense
At the end we concluded that our poet in this special ode went beyond poetic formats and took a narrative language based on interpretation For expressing themselves, the poets have used prose poem which is based on narrative and it's techniques

قصيدة كل المرام

Too, we worked on the narrative structure in this ode by zooming on a group of elements that formed the narrative text structure.

عبد العزيز بن سعود بن محمد آل سعود
This study is an attempt to sift narrative structure in this ode and to explain the effect of this structure in reaching the technical depth of inductive point
حبيب السامر
modern poetry is rooted from these elements to make the text flexible and open to new ideas
«أصابع المطر» للشاعر حبيب السامر
That is reachable through narrative shows which can be found in Cronotopy atmosphere, personification, polyphony, narrator, and incident, and explanation, cinematic pick

نبذه عن حياة السامر


طاروق رائع بين الشاعر : السامر والشاعر : الصدر الوسيع
نبذه عن حياة السامر
الشاعر السامر يهنئ ولي العهد بقصيدة “عبدالعزيز العز” بمناسبة قدوم المولود الجديد

نبذه عن حياة السامر


عن الشاعر
قراءة في مجموعة بابيون للشاعر حبيب السامر
الشاعر السامر يهنئ ولي العهد بقصيدة “عبدالعزيز العز” بمناسبة قدوم المولود الجديد