New England Journal of Medicine | : ABC Science Online, Australia, 2007-10-25 |
Statement to the US House, Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Energy | Michael Berk; Seetal Dodd; Karen Hallam; Lesley Berk; John Gleeson; Margaret Henry |
of Engineering, University of Cambridge | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management |
Electoral Commission of Queensland ECQ | Data supporting Coren's half of this exchange are in: Stanley Coren |
Are you prepared for daylight saving time in 2007? Daylight time and energy: evidence from an Australian experiment.
8Statement to the US House, Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Energy | THE ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS |
The days and hours of the Roman calendar | Statement to the US House, Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Energy |
because the morning sun does not dry the dew "on daylight savings time.