- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases NIDDK ,• "Incidence, predictive factors, and prognosis of the hepatorenal syndrome in cirrhosis with ascites" Fernandez-Seara J, Prieto J, Quiroga J; et al
"Hypoparathyroidism sensorineural deafness renal disease syndrome" "GATA3 controls the specification of prosensory domain and neuronal survival in the mouse cochlea"

امراض الكلى واعراضها

"Electrolyte and circulatory changes in terminal liver failure".

متلازمة الالتهاب الكلوي الحاد
"Hepatorenal syndrome: emerging perspectives of pathophysiology and therapy"
متلازمة الالتهاب الكلوي الحاد
Ryder SD, Beckingham IJ 2001
ما أعراض متلازمة ألبورت؟
"Nitric oxide as a mediator of hemodynamic abnormalities and sodium and water retention in cirrhosis"
Wong F, Pantea L, Sniderman K 2004 "HDR Hypoparathyroidism, Deafness, Renal dysplasia syndrome associated to GATA3 gene duplication"
Other causes of parenchymal liver disease" "Reversal of type 1 hepatorenal syndrome with the administration of midodrine and octreotide"

نظرة عامة على متلازمة اضطراب غسيل الكلى


متلازمة أمراض الكلى
"Peripheral arterial vasodilation hypothesis: a proposal for the initiation of renal sodium and water retention in cirrhosis"
متلازمة الالتهاب الكلوي الحاد
"Management of cirrhosis and ascites"
لمحة عامة عن اضطرابات ترشيح الكلية
Sheen C, Dillon J, Bateman D, Simpson K, Macdonald T 2002