'' Thus he was allowing himself to be deceived because of the plants, fruits and trees that he saw, and the rivers flowing through the different parts of his gardens | |
And he went into his garden having been unjust to himself | Di sini tidak diungkapkan dengan memakai lafal Jannataihi dalam bentuk Tatsniyah karena pengertian yang dimaksud adalah tamannya |
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan ia pun masuk ke kebunnya bersamasama rakannya sedang ia berlaku zalim kepada dirinya sendiri dengan sebab kufurnya sambil ia berkata "Aku tidak fikir kebun ini akan binasa selamalamanya• He thought that it could never come to an end or cease or be destroyed.
29This was because of his lack of understanding and the weakness of his faith in Allah, and because he was enamored with this world and its adornments, and because he disbelieved in the Hereafter | |