Less confirmed individual studies also have been conducted indicating cannabis to be beneficial to a gamut of conditions running from to - Contains medical information to the Endocannabinoid System• studies is lacking; however, a major barrier to acquiring the necessary evidence is the lack of federal funding for this kind of research
Ah Ha Publishing Company, 2000 , , and have also legalized cannabis for medicinal use

ما هو القنب الهندي وكيف يصنع منه الحشيش؟

The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana.

أبو الحشيش: الرجل الذي اكتشف سر لذة القِنَّب وقدراته العلاجية
Database of Tracheophytes of Metropolitan France and neighbouring regions:• Flora of North America taxon ID:• b: Sources for this section as well as far more information can be found in the article
القنب (مخدر)
Drugs and Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology 5th Edition
تقنين “القنب الهندي” في المغرب.. مشروع حكومي يثير جدلا
Regardless, thirteen states have legalized cannabis for medical use
Riedel G, Davies SN 2005
Berkeley, California: Ronin Publishing, Inc Synthesized are also sold as prescription drugs, including Marinol in the United States and Germany and Cesamet in Canada, Mexico, The United States and The United Kingdom

تقنين “القنب الهندي” في المغرب.. مشروع حكومي يثير جدلا

Cannabis: A History 2005 Martin Booth• Currently, the FDA has not approved smoked marijuana for any condition or disease in the United States, largely because good quality scientific evidence for its use from U.

ما هو القنب الهندي وكيف يصنع منه الحشيش؟
Handb Exp Pharmacol 168 : 445—477
أبو الحشيش: الرجل الذي اكتشف سر لذة القِنَّب وقدراته العلاجية
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
القنب (مخدر)