Select an appropriate weight variable GNI, population, GDP, exports, imports, labor force or land area from the Weight Indicator box, as shown above For example, for a series that shows the percentage of female population, double-click on the series Population, Female
Median 66: Aggregates are calculated as the median of available data for each time period Values are not computed if more than a third of the observations in the series are missing

مؤشرات التنمية العالمية

Select an appropriate weight variable GNI, population, GDP, exports, imports, labor force or land area from the Weight Indicator box, as shown above.

تشكيلة شي إن المختارة
Weighted Mean 66: Aggregates are calculated as weighted averages of available data for each time period
مؤشرات التنمية العالمية
Results may be inappropriate e
تشكيلة شي إن المختارة
To have "not available" values in the database treated as zero within your formula, use the NA function
Values are not shown if more than one third of the observations in the series are missing Min: Aggregates are set to the lowest available value for each time period
For example, for a series that shows the percentage of female population, double-click on the series Population, Female


Derived indicators may yield inappropriate results and caution should be observed.

مطلوب اراضي في منح مخطط عريض والرابيه والزهور صفحة 4
Choose input indicators by clicking on the desired series in the panel and use the calculator functions to construct your custom indicator formula
مطلوب اراضي في منح مخطط عريض والرابيه والزهور صفحة 4
Select an appropriate weight variable GNI, population, GDP, exports, imports, labor force or land area from the Weight Indicator box, as shown above
Least-squares growth rate: the growth rate estimated by fitting a linear regression trend line to the logarithmic annual values of the variable in the relevant period