Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing Limited Mullen, Jethro; Novak, Kathy; Kwon, K
Hirotaka Nogami, Hiroshi Ogawa, Kiyoshi Ebihara And Others 2002 , , The Journal of nutrition, Issue 9, Folder 132, Page 2519-2524 Vandenplas 1-4-2007 , , Diseases of the Esophagus, Issue 2, Folder 20, Page 155-160

5 استخدامات لنشا الذرة

"Functionality of batters containing different starch types for deep-fat frying of chicken nuggets".

Francine Kaufmana, Mary Halvorsona, Neal Kaufman 1995 , , Diabetes research and clinical practice, Issue 3, Folder 30, Page 205-209
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
فوائد نشا الذرة وقيمه الغذائية
"Efficacy of cornstarch therapy in type III glycogen-storage disease"
European Food Research and Technology Katalin Ross, Laurie Brown, Michelle Corrado And Others 2015 , , JIMD Reports, Folder 26, Page 85-90
Bruce Hamaker, Yunus Tuncil and Xinyu Shen 2019 , , AACC International Press, Page 305-318

فوائد نشا الذرة وقيمه الغذائية

Le Luyer And Others 2005 , , Digestive and Liver Disease , Issue 1, Folder 37, Page 23-27.

تعرف ما هو نشا الذرة
Starch : chemistry and technology
Bilge Altunaker; Sepil Sahin; Gulum Sumnu March 2004
تعرف ما هو نشا الذرة

5 استخدامات لنشا الذرة


ما هو نشا الذرة
5 استخدامات لنشا الذرة
ما هو نشا الذرة