"The Jupiter Satellite Page Now Also The Giant Planet Satellite and Moon Page " Department of Physics, University of Oregon
"Transformation of a Star into a Planet in a Millisecond Pulsar Binary" A History of Horoscopic Astrology

كواكب المجموعة الشمسية بالترتيب حسب الحجم

University of Arizona, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Press Release.

ترتيب الكواكب الشمسية
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams, International Astronomical Union
ترتيب كواكب المجموعة الشمسية
"Three-dimensional Radiation-hydrodynamics Calculations of the Envelopes of Young Planets Embedded in Protoplanetary Disks"
اكتب قائمة الكواكب الثمانية بالترتيب ابدا باقربها الى الشمس
"The phase-dependent infrared brightness of the extrasolar planet Andromeda b"
Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature WGPSN "Enhanced Collisional Growth of a Protoplanet that has an Atmosphere"
: A Historical Journey through the Solar System, Princeton University Press, p Clavin, Whitney November 9, 2005

قائمة أنواع الكواكب

"Obliquity Tides on Hot Jupiters".

"The Evolution of Dust in the Terrestrial Planet Region of Circumstellar Disks Around Young Stars"
أنواع الكواكب وأسماؤها بالترتيب
"Eccentricity evolution of giant planet orbits due to circumstellar disk torques"
أسماء كواكب المجموعة الشمسية بالترتيب
"Rotation of Venus: Period Estimated from Radar Measurements"