East and Bays Courier New Zealand Journal of Multinational Financial Management
Electoral Commission of Queensland ECQ The human circadian clock's seasonal adjustment is disrupted by daylight saving time

الساعة 19 يعني كم

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; 1927.

الساعة 19 يعني كم
Brendan Cronin; Elizabeth Garnsey 2009-10-20
الساعة 17 يعني كم
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
حلول ذكية لمكافحة كوفيد
A silent toast to William Willett
Statement to the US House, Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Energy When to recite the blessing
Small shifts in diurnal rhythms are associated with an increase in suicide: the effect of daylight saving Database globalization in enterprise applications

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Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

حلول ذكية لمكافحة كوفيد
'When, where, if, and but': qualifying GIS and the effect of streetlighting on crime and fear
الأسئلة الشائعة حول المعقمات، وفيروس كورونا (COVID
Rachel Pain; Robert MacFarlane; Keith Turner; Sally Gill
الساعة ١٩ يعني كم
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering