iss - Ignition scope screen | The Scope viewer window will remember its last size and position when a scope file is opened |
They also have the option to display the grid and scales, inverse the colours for printing and move each channel's vertical placement | isc - Ignition scope preset |
Scope files can now be opened directly from Windows when double click on them.
6Enhances documentation and communication with customers• Basically when open a scope file, the scope viewer window will be the same size and in the same position as it was when last used | |
Scanner DataViewer — Opens files with the following extensions: | Flexibility to choose whether or not to display the time of the scan on the trouble code report• lsp - Lab Scope Snapshot |
lsc - Lab scope preset | For diagnostic tools with lab and ignition scope recordings, technicians have the ability to auto play, step through frames and pages, zoom and use cursors to help analyse their waveforms |
Others can open your files, provide opinions, and help diagnose the problem vehicle | sps - Scanner Screen Snapshot 17 |
xml - Scanner Code Files• Scope Viewer — Opens files with the following extensions:.