Screening bipolar disorders in a general hospital: Psychometric findings for the Persian version of mood disorder questionnaire and bipolar spectrum diagnostic scale "Brain changes in early-onset bipolar and unipolar depressive disorders: a systematic review in children and adolescents"
Strategies for Decreasing False Negative and Positive Diagnoses of Bipolar Disorders Shabani A, Mirzaei Khoshalani M, Mahdavi S, Ahmadzad Asl M

اختلال دو قطبی یا بایپولار چیست؟ + انواع اختلال دو قطبی

Bipolar disorder in adults: Treating major depression with antidepressants.

الإعلامية والروائية غادة عبود: أستحقُ أن أكون وزيرة إعلام بجدارة الحياة
"GABAergic interneurons: implications for understanding schizophrenia and bipolar disorder"
اضطراب ثنائي القطب :Bipolar والهوس الإكتئابي
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health
اضطراب ثنائي القطب :Bipolar والهوس الإكتئابي
"The McLean-Harvard First-Episode Mania Study: Prediction of recovery and first recurrence"
Zaretsky AE, Rizvi S, Parikh SV 2007 Currently, there is simply not enough existing evidence, and what evidence is currently available is of such a varied and often-times questionable nature that no reliable conclusions may be drawn
"The role of estrogen in bipolar disorder, a review" Macritchie K, Geddes JR, Scott J, Haslam D, de Lima M, Goodwin G 2003

اضطراب ثنائي القطب

"Meta-analysis, database, and meta-regression of 98 structural imaging studies in bipolar disorder".

الكاتبة تدشن أولى مؤلفاتها في معرض الكتاب بجدة • #صحيفة_الرؤية_الدولية
"Bipolar disorder in the elderly"
مريض الاكتئاب ثنائي القطب مشروع مُنتحر يعيش بجوارك
"Bipolar mixed states: an international society for bipolar disorders task force report of symptom structure, course of illness, and diagnosis"
الإعلامية والروائية غادة عبود: أستحقُ أن أكون وزيرة إعلام بجدارة الحياة
Aust N Z J Psychiatry
Disorders of Personality: DSM-IV-TM and Beyond Med J Islam Repub Iran
Fristad MA, MacPherson HA 2014 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

ما هو مرض ثنائي القطب

"Signaling: cellular insights into the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder".

اضطراب ثنائي القطب :Bipolar والهوس الإكتئابي
"Characteristics and duration of mania: implications for continuation treatment"
المزاج العكر مرض شائع له علاج
"The Heritability of Bipolar Affective Disorder and the Genetic Relationship to Unipolar Depression"
اضطراب ثنائي القطب
"Salience and dysregulation of the dopaminergic system"