medicalnewstoday - Eight ways to use coffee on the skin, scalp, and hair• harvard - Coffee may help your skin stay healthy J Korean Appl Sci Technol
x Fukushima Y, Takahashi Y, Hori Y, Kishimoto Y, Shiga K, Tanaka Y, et al verywellhealth - Benefits of Using Coffee Grounds for Your Skin and Face• Dias M, Farinha A, Faustino E, Hadgraft J, Pais J, Toscano C

قناع القهوة التركية للوجه

Yen W-J, Wang B-S, Chang L-W, Duh P-D.

فوائد القهوة للبشرة
Topical application of spent coffee ground extracts protects skin from ultraviolet B-induced photoaging in hairless mice
فوائد القهوة التركية للبشرة
Protection from photodamage by topical application of caffeine after ultraviolet irradiation
قناع القهوة التركية للوجه
x Efficacy of Slimming Cream Containing 3
Skin ageing: natural weapons and strategies prevention - 6 Surprising Ways Coffee Makes You Prettier• Acta Sci Pol Technol Aliment
Choi H-S, Park ED, Park Y, Han SH, Hong KB, Suh HJ Topical delivery of caffeine from some commercial formulations

فوائد القهوة للبشرة وللشعر ووصفات طبيعية مغذية للبشرة

In vitro predictions of skin absorption of caffeine, testosterone, and benzoic acid: a multi-centre comparison study.

القهوة والبشرة
243 Coffee polyphenols extracted from green coffee beans improve skin properties and microcirculatory function
القهوة والبشرة
Koo S-W, Hirakawa S, Fujii S, Kawasumi M, Nghiem P
خلطة القهوة التركية للوجه
Evaluation of the efficacy of a topical cosmetic slimming product combining tetrahydroxypropyl ethylenediamine, caffeine, carnitine, forskolin and retinol, In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies
A study of antioxidative and antimicrobial effects of coffee residue extracts Binic I, Lazarevic V, Ljubenovic M, Mojsa J, Sokolovic D
Skin photoprotection and consumption of coffee and polyphenols in healthy middle-aged Japanese females de Sandt JJM, Van Burgsteden JA, Cage S, Carmichael PL, Dick I, Kenyon S, et al

فوائد القهوة التركية للبشرة


فوائد القهوة التركية للبشرة
Antioxidant properties of roasted coffee residues
فوائد القهوة للبشرة وللشعر ووصفات طبيعية مغذية للبشرة
Investigation of optimum roasting conditions to obtain possible health benefit supplement, antioxidants from coffee beans
خلطة القهوة التركية للوجه
Lee B-E, Yang J-C, Kim B