Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine "Chapter 52: Epidemiology of lung cancer"
"Health effects of passive smoking in adolescent children" "Chapter 107: Neoplasms of the lung"

المادة الموجودة في دخان السجائر وهو المساهم الاكبر في سرطان الرئة هي

Tamkins, Theresa September 22, 2009.

سرطان الرئة
New York: Longmans, Green, and Company
المذاب هو المكون الأكبر للمحلول
"Passive cigarette smoking induces inflammatory injury in human arterial walls"
المذاب هو المكون الأكبر للمحلول
61 1 Pt 1 : 7—15
Merck Manual Professional Edition, Online edition Snyder LA, Bertone ER, Jakowski RM, Dooner MS, Jennings-Ritchie J, Moore AS
"Final Report on Carcinogens - Background Document for Environmental Tobacco Smoke" "Lung tissue concentrations of nicotine in sudden infant death syndrome SIDS "

المادة الموجودة في دخان السجائر وهو المساهم الأكبر في سرطان الرئة هي

The Annals of Occupational Hygiene.

ما هي مكونات الدخان
Tobias J, Hochhauser D 2010
سرطان الرئة
"Why review articles on the health effects of passive smoking reach different conclusions"
سرطان الرئة
Clapp RW, Jacobs MM, Loechler EL Jan—Mar 2008
"Secondhand smoke as an acute threat for the cardiovascular system: a change in paradigm" Strand, TE; Rostad H; Damhuis RA; Norstein J Jun 2007
Milberger SM, Davis RM, Holm AL Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC 2009

ما هي مكونات الدخان

The industry quickly realised that, if it wanted to continue to prosper, it became vital that research did not demonstrate that tobacco smoke was a dangerous community air pollutant.

الاكياس ذات الجدر الرقيقة الموجودة فى الرئة
Lightwood JM, Glantz SA 2009
سرطان الرئة
Winickoff JP, Friebely J, Tanski SE; et al
بعض أمراض الرئة واختلالاتها التي لها علاقة بالتدخين
"Active and passive smoking in childhood is related to the development of inflammatory bowel disease"