Maka, orang yang telah ditentukan akan mendapat petunjuk, dadanya akan lapang untuk menerima cahaya Islam | because of the heaviness of faith on him |
Begitulah Allah menimpakan siksa kepada orang-orang yang tidak beriman | But you, LORD my God, brought my life up from the pit |
Anda belum mahir membaca Qur'an? Dan barangsiapa yang dikehendaki Allah kesesatannya, niscaya Allah menjadikan dadanya sesak lagi sempit, seolah-olah ia sedang mendaki langit | Allah says, the example of the disbeliever's inability to accept faith in his heart and that it is too small to accommodate it, is the example of his inability to climb up to the sky, which is beyond his capability and power |
Thus Allah puts the wrath on those who believe not | 9: People assault the flinty rock with their hands and lay bare the roots of the mountains |
Kalau mereka telah sesat dan kalian telah mendapatkan petunjuk, itu memang karena kehendak dan takdir Allah.
14Begitulah sebagaimana kejadian itu Allah menimpakan siksa yakni azab atau setan, dengan pengertian azab atau setan itu menguasainya kepada orang-orang yang tidak beriman | Dengan cara demikian, Allah menetapkan kerusakan dan kehinaan terhadap orang-orang yang tidak memiliki keimanan |
Mountain Environments: An Examination of the Physical Geography of Mountains | And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam; and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky |
as if he is climbing up to the sky , "Just as the Son of Adam cannot climb up to the sky, Tawhid and faith will not be able to enter his heart, until Allah decides to allow it into his heart.