70 minutes of crap we have already seen in Faces Of Death 1, Faces Of Death 4, and first compilation, The Worst Of Faces Of Death that is no longer available
I liked the darkly humorous narration of "Dr I wondered what thoughts went through this man's mind as he fell from the sky at 80 miles per hour

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It features many of the same scenes shown in Faces of Death 1 and 4, as well as the earlier compilation Faces of Death V.

Faces of Death IV (1990)
As most of the footage here is lifted whole from the first film, it is appropriately capped off with the closing credits from the first film
Faces of Death 1978 مترجم كامل hdعربىالإصدار للبث الكاملعبر الانترنت
As many should know by now, most of the things that are shown in these movies at least, in the first four are either staged or dull news footage
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It wasn't nearly as shocking or effective as I'd hoped, but I suppose that that's a good thing in some scenes puppy that's really a plush doll getting disemboweled, anyone? Furthermore, it claims that the run time is 90 minutes
Speaking of the video box, the video box cover artwork is the exact same as part IV
There are two alternative titles for it as well, Faces Of Death Volume 6, and The Shocking Faces Of Death, but the footage is the same The German version, titled Gesichter Des Todes 6, consists of completely different stock footage

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Faces of Death VI is a direct-to-video compilation of the highlights of the earlier films in the Faces of Death series.

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If you bought or rented "Faces of Death 6" on video at a store in the U
Faces of Death VI (Video 1996)
The back promises some nasty scenes of bullfighters being killed, car bombings, etc
Faces of Death VI (Video 1996)
Nothing new, so to shell out bucks for this crap is totally unreasonable