Setting cardiac imaging standards that ensure quality patient care Reema badr KKUH — Jeddah• Through this meeting we share and participate opinion, identify obstacles and indulge into finding a solution
International collaboration with worldwide echo societies, through conducting joint symposia, and scientific meetings Ahmed Omran NGHA — Riyadh• Education of the Medical, technical, Nursing and other related Professionals for the public benefit by undertaking national training seminars, conferences and any other appropriate educational activities about the practice of cardiac imaging

مجموعات العمل


مركز الأمير سلطان للأمراض وجراحة القلب
Subsequently,this will encourage patient to participate in this program and lead to the improvement of low referral rate
مركز الامير سلطان لطب وجراحة القلب بالقصيم
3 Our last but not the least target and objective is to establish a community- based program which have been used to maintain what have been gained at the oupatient program, in most industrialized country
شعار مركز الامير سلطان لامراض القلب
These group of health professionals worked together under the AUSPICES OF SHA and meet 3-4 times in a year with a pre-specified date and venue which will be rotational in different regions of the Kingdom each meeting will be held in 1 day or 2 days
Creating educational programmers and resources tailored to the needs of cardiac imaging professionals Conducting specialized echocardiography workshops, courses and hands on training for health care providers in the field of cardiovascular specialty• To have standards and benchmarks for training in cardiac imaging in Saudi Arabia
is The objective is to improve quality of life and longevity, through better prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart failure, including the establishment of networks for its management, education and research Merna Attiah Deputy Head — PSCC — Riyadh• Generate data base for echocardiographers and echo technologists in Saudi Arabia, and build a network of communication among them

مركز الامير سلطان لطب وجراحة القلب بالقصيم

Organizing the Echo program in the SHA24, and inviting distinguished international speakers in the field.

مركز الأمير سلطان للقلب بالأحساء … يحصل على اعتماد
I believed that these three main missions and objectives can be achieved by our group through our regular meeting whether scientific or business as following:• Organizing the 3rd Echo workshop in Jeddah• Organizing the Echo program in SHA25 The Saudi Heart Failure Group SHFG will represent the first organized effort by heart failure experts from Saudi Arabia to provide a forum for all those interested in heart function, heart failure, and congestive heart failure CHF research and patient care
مستشفى القوات المسلحة
3 CME hours were issued
مستشفى القوات المسلحة
Implement high performance and utilizing standards of echocardiography in order to improve cardiovascular diseases detection, and treatment