Taking the Medicine: A Short History of Medicine's Beautiful Idea, and Our Difficulty Swallowing It The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
"Abuse of Medications That Theoretically Are Without Abuse Potential" "Over-the-counter OTC medications for acute cough in children and adults in community settings"

أدوية السعال

Knut Schroeder; Tom Fahey 2002.

السُّعَال لدى البالغين
"Therapeutic options for acute cough due to upper respiratory infections in children"
أدوية السعال
"Over-the-counter OTC medications for acute cough in children and adults in ambulatory settings"
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews
"Interventions for cough in cancer" Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews "Therapeutic options for acute cough due to upper respiratory infections in children"

أدوية السعال

Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2 : CD001364.

أدوية لعلاج الكحة الجافة
Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
"Abuse of Medications That Theoretically Are Without Abuse Potential"
Smith, SM; Schroeder, K; Fahey, T Aug 15, 2012