Office Locator This service is used to find the address of any Aramex office around the world | So by providing the pickup address to the Aramex you will be done with scheduling of your placement |
These are Explosives, Flammable Solids matches, certain batteries , Radioactive Materials, Flammable Gas gas cylinders, lighter fuel, aerosols , Oxidising Substances chlorine, peroxide , Corrosives instruments containing mercury, acids , Flammable Liquids paint, petrol, thinners , Poisons pesticides | It is in league with the largest courier companies in the world such as FedEx and DHL |
It is not only in league with companies the likes of FedEx, USPS, and DHL but also competes with them often and rather well | Please I will like to know there where about of my other parcel that was not deliver to me |
So by using the shipments tracking API, the customer can easily find the live updates on shipment location and status by simply submitting a tracking number | About Aramex Aramex is a leading global provider of comprehensive logistics and transportation solutions |
In the event of your parcel requiring a dedicated special trip to deliver the shipment, additional charges may be levied.