Ensures keeping in pace with todays' innovations All material s displayed or transmitted on this site, including but not limited to text, photographs, images, illustrations, video clips, audio clips, and graphics are owned by Music Nation or its members or the producer of the work, and are protected by Local and international copyright, trademarks, service marks, and other proprietary rights, laws and treaties
Achieve focused and targetted learning to build capacities All our trainers and instructors have long experience working in the industry

أكاديمية MBC تبدأ في اكتشاف آلاف الموهوبين عبر رحلة إبداعية حول المملكة العربية السعودية

Domain Knowledge Experts Deliver Classroom Sessions.

أكاديمية MBC تؤسس لجيل جديد في مختلف قطاعات الإنتاج الإعلامي
Curriculum designed includes rich multimedia contnet, delivered onsite in a professional classroom environment• Starting with overview for new entrants in the industry, to high end advanced satellite system engineering
أكاديمية MBC تعلن فتح التقديم ببرنامج التدريب والتوظيف للرجال والنساء
Our instructors guide participants with their own field experience on every facet of Satellite Communication
“أكاديمية MBC” تفتح أبوابها لتدريب المهارات السعودية في قطاعات الإنتاج الإعلامي
These empaneled trainers at MBC, has long standing hands-on industry experience, tasked to conduct onsite sessions One-to-one interactions includes Group discussions and sharing of experiences by industry experienecd instructors
GVF's award winning program expands to address many facets of Satellite Communication Content for each session is meticulously customised, we dig into our content data bank having thousnads of slides; interactive modules and audio-video content; plus augmnet creating session specific add-Ons

“أكاديمية MBC” تُسدل الستار على عامٍ حافلٍ بالنجاحات والإنجازات

GVF Classroom Training are Complementry to GVF Online Training Modules.

أكاديمي MBC وعاماً حافلاً بالإنجازات
Helps in opening up minds for innovative strategy; implement best practices and performance consistency of hybridised networks
أكاديمية MBC: مسابقة لاختيار 4 سعوديين وسعوديات لفيلم سينمائي
Thus, add value to the organisation's need by enhancing work force competency, their performance, service quality, efficiency and productivity
أكاديمية MBC تعلن برنامج التدريب المنتهي بالتوظيف للجنسين
Learners benefit from instructors' extensive experience• Precise content tailored for your needs, creating a unique advantage that ensures focused learning
High-end Advanced Satellite System Engineering Dedicated high end domain knowledge expert resources, deliver and mentor training on-Site
These resources are upto date with latest technology and it's innovations

أكاديمية MBC تبدأ في اكتشاف آلاف الموهوبين عبر رحلة إبداعية حول المملكة العربية السعودية


“أكاديمية MBC” تُسدل الستار على عامٍ حافلٍ بالنجاحات والإنجازات
تجارب أداء لاختيار 4 سعوديين وسعوديات لبطولة فيلم سينمائي عالمي من إنتاج