, Meditation practices for health: state of the research , and Van Walsum, K
, Enhanced sensory perception in synaesthesia , Meditation and positive mental health

تحميل نموذج قالب بحث فارغ doc لطلاب الازهر لعمل الابحاث وكيفية عمل البحث بالخطوات

, Count out your intrusions: Effects of verbal encoding on intrusive memories.

إصدار السجل التجاري
, Mental reversal of imagined melodies: A role for the posterior parietal cortex
تأسيس الشركات المساهمة
, Pre-sleep worry decrease by adding reading and guided imagery to insomnia treatment
تعديل السجل التجاري
, Comparing the effects of physical practice and mental imagery rehearsal on learning basic surgical skills by medical students
, Effects of guided imagery on outcomes of pain, functional status, and self-efficacy in persons diagnosed with fibromyalgia , Pre-packaged guided imagery for stress reduction: Initial results
, The influence of a visuospatial grounding task on intrusive images of a traumatic film , Emotion and two kinds of meaning: Cognitive therapy and applied cognitive science

تعديل السجل التجاري

, Sound meditation in oncological rehabilitation: a pilot study of a receptive music therapy group using the monochord.

قواعد عامة وشكلية تفصيلية للورقة البحثية
, Preoperative rehearsal of active coping imagery influences subjective and hormonal responses to abdominal surgery
إصدار السجل التجاري
, A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation for chronic insomnia
التعديل وقرارات الشركاء
, A pilot study to assess the effects of a guided imagery audiotape intervention on psychological outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery
, Neural foundations of imagery ,The angry patient: an intervention for managing anger in substance abuse treatment
, Intrusive images and hotspots of trauma memories in post traumatic stress disorder: An exploratory investigation of emotions and cognitive themes , Is it mere distraction? , Fear behavior, fear imagery, and the psychophysiology of emotion: The problem of affective response integration

تأسيس الشركات المساهمة

, Olfactory imagery: A review.

المشروعات البحثية المُقْتَرَحة والنماذج الاسترشادية لطلاب التعليم الأزهري قبل الجامعي
, Imagery in multi-modal object learning
نموذج مشروع البحث للصف الثالث الإعدادي الأزهري
, Use of a consumer-led intervention to improve provider competencies
معايير تقييم البحث العلمي وتقويم البحث العلمي
, Contextual representations increase analogue traumatic intrusions: Evidence against a dual-representation account of peri-traumatic processing