0504 Saudi Arabian Riyal Thursday, 22 July 2021, 12:02 New Delhi time, Thursday, 22 July 2021, 09:32 Riyadh time Following are currency exchange calculator and the details of exchange rates between Indian Rupee INR and Saudi Arabian Riyal SAR Lowest Saudi Riyals and Indian Rupee currency rate during this period was on Tue, 20 Jul 2021
In fact, at one stage we would get INR 12 for one Saudi Riyal, but, the same has now moved higher and has crossed the Rs 16 levels 62 INR on March 1 Lowest Rate in March 19

Saudi Riyal to Indische Rupie Conversion

Over the ast decade or so, we have seen Indians working in Saudi Arabia get more for the rupee vs the Saudi Riyal.

Convert 130000.008 Saudi Riyals to Indian Rupees
7500 SAR is equal to 148845 INR• 85598 INR for 1 SAR
Indian Rupee (INR) to Saudi riyal (SAR) Currency Converter
Additionally, the currency calculator shows the closing rate of the previous day as well as the highest and lowest rates of the conversion Saudi riyal - Indian rupee
Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee Exchange Rate
The lowering of inflation is a healthy sign for the economy of the country resulting in the appreciation of the currency
100 SAR is equal to 1985 INR• Reversed rate: Convert currency 300 SAR to INR How the SAR has moved against the INR? For example, if the rupee falls against the dollar you would get higher rate for the SAR against INR
The Indian Rupee is the currency of India This is not only true for the Saudi Riyal, but, also for a host of other currencies

Saudi Riyal to Indische Rupie Conversion

Conversion from Saudi riyal to Indian rupee can be done at current rates as well as at historical rates — to do this, select the desired exchange rate date.

SAR to INR: Convert Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee
Trend of Currency Exchange Rate : SAR to INR, April 2021• Among the countries that border with India are: China , Bangladesh , Afghanistan, Bhutan, Pakistan , Nepal and Burma
300 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 300 SAR in INR
Check how much is 130000
350 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 350 SAR in INR
77 INR Highest rate in April 20
The Markets Insider offers a currency conversion from Saudi riyal to Indian rupee within seconds The results are displayed in a clearly arranged table
58 INR Highest rate in March 19 This is because the SAR is pegged against the dollar and does not change in value

Saudi Riyal to Indische Rupie Conversion

62 INR 31 st March Rate 19.

Convert 130000.008 Saudi Riyals to Indian Rupees
Latest update of 3700 Saudi Riyal SAR exchange rate
SAR to INR: Convert Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee
Enter the amount of money to be converted from Indian Rupee INR to Saudi Arabian Riyal SAR , it is converted as you type
350 Saudi Riyal to Indian Rupee, convert 350 SAR in INR
Reversed rate: Convert currency 500 SAR to INR