Criticism of the book [ ] The book has been criticized for placing human psychology into | The book has been turned into a successful stage show in France in 2006, where it has been running for six years in Paris |
In their "caves", men writes Gray are not necessarily focused on the problem at hand | In the first chapter of 2003 book The Essential Difference, compares with Gray's bestseller and states: "the view that men are from Mars and women Venus paints the differences between the two sexes as too extreme |
Instead, the woman would rather have many little things done for her on a regular basis, because women like to think their men are thinking of them and care for them more constantly.
27The man tends to think he can do one Big Thing for her scoring 50 points and not do much else, assuming he has "banked" points and can afford to "coast | Gray explains that once she is rejuvenated by getting the support she needs, her wave is able to build and rise once again, with renewed love and energy to give |
In Kimmel's 2008 lecture at in , titled "Venus, Mars, or Planet Earth? When women become unduly stressed, their natural reaction is to talk with someone close about it even if talking doesn't provide a solution to the problem at hand | , The gendered society reader 4th ed |
, a professor of at , makes the assertion that men and women are not fundamentally different, contrary to what Gray suggests in his book.