It tastes very similar to caramel, and in its natural state, cold or at room temperature, it has a gooey consistency October 11: National Day of Dulce de Leche Since 1998, the Dulce de Leche Festival has been celebrated every October 11th
Os dejo el paso a paso de esta sencilla y un vídeo con todos los trucos y consejos para que os salga de rechupete And, don't start at 10pm

Dulce de Leche Recipe

Como este casero se conserva en la nevera durante dos semanas como mucho, sino tendremos que envasarlo en frascos herméticos esterilizados, tal como hacemos con las conservas.

What Is Dulce de Leche?
Average annual production during the decade 2001-2010 was 115,500 tons, or 14
A Brief History of Dulce de Leche
Es un proceso largo y sencillo que requiere una cierta dosis de paciencia para no acelerar el proceso
Dulce de leche casero
In Argentina, the highest consumption was recorded in 2012, reaching 3
I am sharing with you the traditional recipe, that is to say the second method which is a recipe made with milk, sugar, and baking soda In 2003, Argentina attempted to declare dulce de leche as Argentinian cultural heritage before UNESCO, unsuccessfully, as Uruguay claimed it should be considered Gastronomical Heritage of the Río de la Plata the region concerning the two countries
The choice of the date is not random! In , it is known as manjar de leche I followed the recipe exactly with 2 nail holes on top and cooked the canned condensed milk for a little over four hours

Dulce de Leche

But, I was suckered into the real deal by other family members.

What Is Dulce de Leche?
Calentamos la leche con el azúcar a fuego medio, para que éste se disuelva
What Is Dulce de Leche and How Do You Make It?
It is traditionally made with milk, sugar and vanilla, although nowadays there are variants like adding milk cream, and even substituting sugar for natural sweeteners
Dulce de Leche Recipe
It is found everywhere in the world, but especially in Argentina since the seventeenth century