Not my favourite Arabic text
After studying Arabic literature at the University of Damascus, Kanafani became a teacher at the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria Ghassan Fayiz Kanafani was born in Acre in Palestine then under the British mandate in 1936

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In 1960 he moved to Beirut, Lebanon, where he became the editor of several newspapers, all with an Arab nationalist affiliation.

العاشق by غسان كنفاني
Ghassan Fayiz Kanafani was born in Acre in Palestine then under the British mandate in 1936
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And this adds to the splendor and mystery of these three short stories
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During the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Kanafani and his family fled to Lebanon, but soon moved on to Damascus, Syria, to live there as Palestinian refugees
But then again, each one is a mystery! His father was a lawyer, and sent Ghassan to a French missionary school in Jaffa Each on its own is a regular story, not the best of his works if you ask me
His father was a lawyer, and sent Ghassan to a French missionary school in Jaffa Ghassan Fayiz Kanafani was born in Acre in Palestine then under the British mandate in 1936

📷 ❤ رحيق العشاق❤ هناك دومًا ركن فارغ في حياتك شوق مجحف لشخص غائب صوت يعادل الدنيا في عينيك عناق يختصر كل معاني الوجود شخص تتجه عليه بوصلة أنفاسك . 🌺❤#العاشق اليماني wahag 🌺❤

Kanafani died at the age of 36, assassinated by car bomb in Beirut, Lebanon.

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Not my favourite Arabic text
📷 ❤ رحيق العشاق❤ هناك دومًا ركن فارغ في حياتك شوق مجحف لشخص غائب صوت يعادل الدنيا في عينيك عناق يختصر كل معاني الوجود شخص تتجه عليه بوصلة أنفاسك . 🌺❤#العاشق اليماني wahag 🌺❤
Very heavy, complicated, and confusing once changed from 1st person to 3rd person
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He stops typing in the middle of the climax