London: Printed by John Stockdale Proceedings of the 16th international ornithological congress
"Ventilatory accommodation of oxygen demand and respiratory water loss in a large bird, the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae , and a re-examination of ventilatory allometry for birds" "Promotion of second intention wound healing by emu oil lotion: comparative results with furasin, polysporin, and cortisone"

معلومات عن طائر الإيمو

Arrernte Foods: Foods from Central Australia.

طائر الايمو
West Australian, 4 March 1932, quoted in Johnson 2006 , p152• : Rural Industries Research and Development Corp
تعرّف على أشهر 8 حيوانات أصبحت رموزاً لدول
"Thermoregulation in ratites: a review"
10 من أخطر أنواع الطيور في العالم بالصور
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
IOC World Bird List, v 5
United States Department of Agriculture "The mating system of free-living emus"


"The natural history of the emu in comparison with that of other ratites".

حرب الإيمو
Records of the South Australian Museum
إزالة اثار الحروق: علاجات من الطب والطبيعة
"Emu oil s : A source of non-toxic transdermal anti-inflammatory agents in aboriginal medicine"
طائر الإيمو, الإيمو هو ثاني أطول طائرٍ في العالم بعد النعامة ؛ فالطيور
"Antagonism of croton oil inflammation by topical emu oil in CD-1 mice"
; Rich, Patricia Vickers 1987 Christidis, Les; Boles, Walter 2008
Leaf and branch: Trees and tall shrubs of Perth "Genetic evidence for mixed parentage in nests of the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae "

نبذة تعريفية عن طائري

"Pelvic limb musculature in the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Aves : Struthioniformes: Dromaiidae : Adaptations to high-speed running".

أنواع بيض الطيور
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
طائر الايمو
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
إزالة اثار الحروق: علاجات من الطب والطبيعة
"Seed dispersal by emus on the New South Wales north-east coast"