Static low : 100 or more The higher the multiplier, the more powerful air resistance will be at high speeds
The vehicle gains grip at a variable rate from 0 when static to 0 Measured in Kg, mass is only responsible for the interaction between entities


Mass is not at all related to physical agility and does not affect the car's physics at all.

Nike. Just Do It. Nike SA
Only affects how well the car fares when colliding with other entities
It is measured in Higher values will result in faster RPM acceleration and deceleration, while lower values will result in more sluggish RPMs
متجر اجنبي لبيع حسابات فورت نايت
07 when it pitches down to aid cornering or braking
Your vehicle can easily go over this speed on downhill or under performance upgrades, though not very far 10 30 Slide angle at which the car will enjoy the best grip available
For more information about this processing of personal data, check our 5 How exaggerated the traction loss is for this vehicle

متجر اجنبي لبيع حسابات فورت نايت

In V, downforce is represented as two behaviors - an actual down force pressing the car down, and a separate grip gain based on fDownforceModifier and a ruleset.

It is reccomended to keep it at default 22
متجر اجنبي لبيع حسابات فورت نايت
Active Aero vehicles ignore this value, setting a 0
Nike. Just Do It. Nike SA
The vehicle gains a flat grip increase of 0