Be strong enough to face the world each day
People with a strong will power will always have the bigger picture in mind The bird rises against a strong head wind, not only in spite of the wind but because of it

ترجمة 'اغتصاب'

The Commission also found that, following displacement, the internally displaced persons who remained inside Darfur were still faced with a number of threats and largely confined to the camps or urban areas, since venturing outside would involve risks of attacks and other violations, in particular rape, as described below.

اسماء قنوات الاطفال بالانجليزي على النايل سات 2021
You have to be strong
لعبة تحدي كرتون for Android
They will be able to forgo small pleasures in order to help attain bigger goals
اسماء فتيات القوة ومعانيها
Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything alone
And each time that happens, we all become a stronger force for good Strength is something we often find in desperate moments
Being glamorous is about strength and confidence Section: ANIMATED PROGRAM For programming one hour or less

الحلقة الأولى من Demashita! PowerPuff Girls Z مترجمة عربي

Liebenson, Donald April 15, 2001.

اسماء قنوات الاطفال بالانجليزي على النايل سات 2021
Retrieved on February 1, 2008
اسماء قنوات الاطفال بالانجليزي على النايل سات 2021
Some cases have been closed on legal grounds while others have been referred to the competent court with an indictment for indecent assault in accordance with article 218 of the Criminal Code
عبارات عن القوة والشجاعة بالانجليزي مترجمة
Variety Staff July 22, 1999