This is what the story of Joseph PBUH , confirms categorically, for it ends with comfort and marvels It is related that among the reasons for its revelation is that the Jews asked the Prophet Muhammad PBUH to tell them about Joseph PBUH , who was one of their old prophets
The story of Joseph PBUH moves in a stream from beginning to end; its substance and form are equally coherent Whoever turns away from it this Qur'an - i

قصه يوسف مختصرة

He then began his call to Allah from the position of the ruling authority.

ملخص قصة سيدنا يوسف بالانجليزي؟
He was sold into the slave market in Egypt, where he was bought for a nominal sum
قصة سيدنا يوسف كاملة
Then he fell victim to the attempted seduction by a great man's wife who, when her wish was foiled, sent him to prison, where he remained for some time
قصة يوسف عليه السلام مختصره جدا
Therefore it was revealed in the Book of Allah Qur'an , complete in its minute and careful details
In spite of all this, he at length approached close to the Egyptian throne and became the king's chief minister And indeed we have given you from Us a Reminder this Qur'an
This happened to him while he was a boy

قصة نبي الله يوسف عليه السلام مختصرة

They will abide in that state in the Fire of Hell , and evil indeed will it be that load for them on the Day of Resurrection.

ملخص قصة سيدنا يوسف بالانجليزي؟
Joseph lived all his life confronting schemes made by the people closest to him
قصص الانبياء للاطفال مختصرة
His story had been distorted in parts and marred in others with interpolations and exclusions
قصة سيدنا يوسف مختصرة مكتوبة
His brothers plotted to kill him, but they amended it to exiling him