Canadian Marine Environment Protection Society "Killer whale Orcinus orca predation on a franciscana dolphin Pontoporia blainvillei in Brazilian waters"
Carrington, Damian 3 July 2013 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A

صور و معلومات عن الحوت القاتل

"Squid as Predators on Krill Euphausia superba and Prey for Sperm Whales in the Southern Ocean".

كل ماتود معرفته عن حوت الاوركا 2019
NOAA Fisheries — Office of Protected Resources
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UNEP Marine Mammal Technical Report
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"Experimental investigations on the respiratory function in diving mammals and birds"
Stockton, Nick 19 July 2016 References prior to 2010, before a more definitive conclusion:• Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Klinowska, Margaret; Cooke, Justin 1991 "Satellite-monitored movements of humpback whales in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean"

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Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review.

اطول حوت في العالم وكم يبلغ طوله
"Whale deaths caused by US Navy's sonar"
حوت الأوركا.. القاتل المرح
Kirby, Alex 8 October 2003
حوت الأوركا.. القاتل المرح
"Structure of the cerebral cortex of the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae Cetacea, Mysticeti, Balaenopteridae "